Brand Switching in Telecom Sector:An Insight into Switching Behaviour and Switching Factors
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Brand is a promise, an assurance by the producer to the customers to maintain the quality of the products and services purchased. Most of the times, it is the name and good image of the company. Brand failure leads to brand switching. This paper looks at the issue of brand switching as a growing problem in telecommunication service. Telecommunication possesses a high rate of brand switching due to its nature of service and growing competition in this sector. This is a serious threat to creating loyal customers for the firms. This paper is basically a review paper on switching behaviour of customers in telecommunication sector and the various factors influencing it. Research work of different scholars on brand and brand switching has been reviewed to outline the main factors of brand switching. Literature on brand switching of telecommunication suggests that some areas need to be taken care of for retaining the customers and reducing switching intentions. The paper concludes with some suggestions for the management to view the problem in a positive way.
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