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Mapping Service Quality in Hospitality Industry:A Case Through SERVQUAL

1 Department of Rural Management, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, (A Central Government University), Lucknow UP, India

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This article focuses on developing an appropriate research framework to assess service quality and customer satisfaction in hospitality industry. The required data were collected through a questionnaire from customers at 4-star hotel in North India. The study is conducted in case study format and data is collected from hotel guests through self administered questionnaire while check-in and check-out.

The result of this study illustrates that service quality can significantly influence the satisfaction level of hotel guests. It is found that guest’s expectations are consistently not met when measured on redesigned five dimensions SERVQUAL at candidate hotel. Tangibility and Empathy are mainly underperforming dimensions where managerial focus must increase. Relatively candidate hotel performed well on Responsiveness dimension. The data analysis, if generalized, shows that 4-star hotels need to communicate more efficiently with their customers to create realistic expectations, be highly empathetic to issues and concerns of guest and provide better and more tailored services to them.

This article can offer important insight to managers of hospitality industry for planning their marketing communication, understanding the dynamics and importance of periodicity in assessing customer expectations and training need analysis of hotel staff.


Hospitality, SERVQUAL, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction.
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  • Mapping Service Quality in Hospitality Industry:A Case Through SERVQUAL

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Ramesh Kumar Chaturvedi
Department of Rural Management, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, (A Central Government University), Lucknow UP, India


This article focuses on developing an appropriate research framework to assess service quality and customer satisfaction in hospitality industry. The required data were collected through a questionnaire from customers at 4-star hotel in North India. The study is conducted in case study format and data is collected from hotel guests through self administered questionnaire while check-in and check-out.

The result of this study illustrates that service quality can significantly influence the satisfaction level of hotel guests. It is found that guest’s expectations are consistently not met when measured on redesigned five dimensions SERVQUAL at candidate hotel. Tangibility and Empathy are mainly underperforming dimensions where managerial focus must increase. Relatively candidate hotel performed well on Responsiveness dimension. The data analysis, if generalized, shows that 4-star hotels need to communicate more efficiently with their customers to create realistic expectations, be highly empathetic to issues and concerns of guest and provide better and more tailored services to them.

This article can offer important insight to managers of hospitality industry for planning their marketing communication, understanding the dynamics and importance of periodicity in assessing customer expectations and training need analysis of hotel staff.


Hospitality, SERVQUAL, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction.
