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Impact of Demographics on Customer Satisfaction in Online Banking
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The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between demographic characteristics (gender and age) and customer satisfaction on online banking service quality factors in Visakhapatnam city, Andhra Pradesh, India. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from a sample of 513 chosen on purposive method. The statistical package for social sciences was used for analysis of the collected data. Reliability test and KMO & Bartlett’s tests of sphericity were used to test construct reliability and validity, and chi-square test was used to test the assumed hypothesis. The study found significant relationship between demographic factors (age and gender) and satisfaction on some online banking service quality factors and no impact for the remaining factors. Findings of the study may help a banker to identify the critical areas to pay attention to, for improving decision-making in marketing, and segmentation and targeting of customers to increase customer satisfaction in online banking.
Online Banking, Demographic Characteristics of the Customers, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality.
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