A Study of CSR Initiative of CybageAsha(Rural Upliftment) with Special Reference to ‘Toilets’ under the Project Category - ‘Sanitation’ in Various Villages of Pune District
The aim of the study is to assess the CSR projects of Cybage (Rural Upliftment Vertical) and to gauge the impact of the CSR initiatives under the aegis of CybageAsha, alongside their gap analysis. The Project category ‘Sanitation’ has two sub projects i.e., Drainage and Toilets. This paper focuses on work done with respect to Toilets in various villages in Pune District. Data was collected through the beneficiaries of Toilet Project by Survey method. It is found that the villagers are quite satisfied with Toilet Construction work under sanitation project of Cybage. Sanitation projects have helped them to save time and live a better lifestyle but there is a need to spread awareness among villagers about the importance of using toilets.
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