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Impact of Food and Beverage Service Practices on Customer Satisfaction in the Food Outlets, Chandigarh, India
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This study investigates the impact of food & beverage services practices on customer’s perception of in the food outlets, Chandigarh, India. The study uses both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. A structured questionnaire was developed using different dimensions of customer’s satisfaction from food & beverage service practices from existing literature. The data were collected from 435 customers visited in the food & beverage outlets- Chandigarh, India. The research instrument contained 58 items across five dimensions: Dining environment, Menu, food & beverage, service staff, overall satisfaction etc. From the analysis, it was found that service staff has a statistically significant effect on customer satisfaction with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 54.4%. This implies that this factor contributes 64.9% of customer satisfaction while the other factors contribute 45.6%. The results from the study could be helpful to the management of food &beverage outlets in their policy formulation in the context of improving customer satisfaction and food & beverage service practices.
Food, Beverage, Services, Outlets Customer, Satisfaction, India.
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