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Leaders’ Perspectives on Learning Proclivity of Narcissistic Employees
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Leaders play a significant role in determining the culture, direction, growth and sustainability of an organization. In today’s volatile uncertain complex ambiguous (VUCA) world, it is imperative that leaders are cognitively agile and flexible. Globalization and digitization are two of the foremost phenomena that business leaders are grappling with. The leader’s personality and characteristics must lend themselves to these complex and changing circumstances accordingly. The approach to managing complexity and adeptness at learning, not only impacts the leader personally, but also has a ripple influence across the organization. In the exploration of narcissism as a manifested behavior in business organizations, leaders of the stature of Chief Executive/Finance/Marketing/HR Officer (CXO) or above were interviewed. A verbatim presentation of their views on how narcissism interplays with humility, self-awareness, inclusiveness, diversity and curiosity, is juxtaposed with relevant literature.
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