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Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management: A Conceptual Model

1 HR Leader, IBM India & Research Scholar, IILM University, Gurugram 122011, India
2 IT& Systems Specialist, State Bank of India, Digital & Transaction Banking Unit Thiruvananthapuram 695012., India
3 Associate Professor, IILM University 122011, India

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The advent of Artificial Intelligence Technologies (AIT) has a transformational impact on HRM domain. This research proposes an integrated model related to factors that impact the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the HR function. The study deploys a framework of the Technology-Organization-Environment model enhanced by Technology-Adoption-Model. The proposed model provides key insights to support researchers to enhance assimilation, and forge ahead in the research on the organizational perspective of the adoption of AIT in HRM. The model is appropriately linked to the decision- makers and HR professionals. The research provides a foundation for detailed empirical studies related to the factors impacting the adoption of AIT.
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  • Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management: A Conceptual Model

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Mandeep Kaur
HR Leader, IBM India & Research Scholar, IILM University, Gurugram 122011, India
Rekha A G
IT& Systems Specialist, State Bank of India, Digital & Transaction Banking Unit Thiruvananthapuram 695012., India
Sona Vikas
Associate Professor, IILM University 122011, India


The advent of Artificial Intelligence Technologies (AIT) has a transformational impact on HRM domain. This research proposes an integrated model related to factors that impact the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in the HR function. The study deploys a framework of the Technology-Organization-Environment model enhanced by Technology-Adoption-Model. The proposed model provides key insights to support researchers to enhance assimilation, and forge ahead in the research on the organizational perspective of the adoption of AIT in HRM. The model is appropriately linked to the decision- makers and HR professionals. The research provides a foundation for detailed empirical studies related to the factors impacting the adoption of AIT.
