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Linking Leadership to Employee Creativity: A Study of Indian R&D Laboratories

1 Human Resources Management Group Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata
2 Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India

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While research exploring the relationship between leadership and creativity is scant, there exists even smaller research analyzing the impact of specific supervisory behaviors on creativity. The first part of the study identifies a set of supervisory behaviors that has the potential to impact Employee Creativity. The second part of the study addresses the mechanisms through which leaders influence Employee Creativity and presents organizational justice perceptions, positive psychological capital and work motivation as important mediating variables. The study uses a combination of in-depth interviews and literature review to develop a causal framework linking leadership to Employee Creativity.
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  • Linking Leadership to Employee Creativity: A Study of Indian R&D Laboratories

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Vishal Gupta
Human Resources Management Group Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata
Shailendra Singh
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India
Sushil Kumar
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India
Abhiji Bhattacharya
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India


While research exploring the relationship between leadership and creativity is scant, there exists even smaller research analyzing the impact of specific supervisory behaviors on creativity. The first part of the study identifies a set of supervisory behaviors that has the potential to impact Employee Creativity. The second part of the study addresses the mechanisms through which leaders influence Employee Creativity and presents organizational justice perceptions, positive psychological capital and work motivation as important mediating variables. The study uses a combination of in-depth interviews and literature review to develop a causal framework linking leadership to Employee Creativity.
