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Effect of Age on Fairness Perceptions: A Study of Two Indian Banks

1 Development Dimensions International, Mumbai, India
2 Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India

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Age, gender, tenure, and race are some of the demographics that influence employee perceptions and behavior in an organization. Employees of diverse groups differ in terms of their needs, values, and expectations. They bring different perspectives in to the work-environment. They also differ in their perceptions of fairness. Organizational differences in terms of structure, practices, and policies also play a critical role in shaping peoples perception of fairness. It is becoming a challenge for organizations to address these differences in a manner that leads to minimal conflict among different groups. The present study examined the effect of demographic variable, age on the perception of fairness of performance appraisal system using regression analysis.
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  • Effect of Age on Fairness Perceptions: A Study of Two Indian Banks

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Arunima Shrivastava
Development Dimensions International, Mumbai, India
Pooja Purang
Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India


Age, gender, tenure, and race are some of the demographics that influence employee perceptions and behavior in an organization. Employees of diverse groups differ in terms of their needs, values, and expectations. They bring different perspectives in to the work-environment. They also differ in their perceptions of fairness. Organizational differences in terms of structure, practices, and policies also play a critical role in shaping peoples perception of fairness. It is becoming a challenge for organizations to address these differences in a manner that leads to minimal conflict among different groups. The present study examined the effect of demographic variable, age on the perception of fairness of performance appraisal system using regression analysis.
