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Employer Brand Image as Predictor of Employee Satisfaction, Affective Commitment & Turnover

1 Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India

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The race for an employer to be seen differently has only intensified in recent years mainly due to the availability of multiple opportunities and scarcity of good quality talent in the emerging markets. Employer branding is fast emerging a potential tool not only to communicate the potential employees but also to the existing employees that the value proposition of the current employer supersedes their competitors. Participated by 240 executives from various organsiations the study shows the importance of managing employer brand image for existing employees through highlighting the difference between the existing and preferred levels of employer attributes. It further highlights the relationship between employer brand attributes and job related attitudes showing how these attributes impact them.
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  • Employer Brand Image as Predictor of Employee Satisfaction, Affective Commitment & Turnover

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Pushpendra Priyadarshi
Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India


The race for an employer to be seen differently has only intensified in recent years mainly due to the availability of multiple opportunities and scarcity of good quality talent in the emerging markets. Employer branding is fast emerging a potential tool not only to communicate the potential employees but also to the existing employees that the value proposition of the current employer supersedes their competitors. Participated by 240 executives from various organsiations the study shows the importance of managing employer brand image for existing employees through highlighting the difference between the existing and preferred levels of employer attributes. It further highlights the relationship between employer brand attributes and job related attitudes showing how these attributes impact them.
