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Analyzing the Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Experience:An Exploratory Study in the Case of Consumer Durables in the Indian Context
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In this competitive world people really desire not products, but memorable and unique experiences which are of great importance than the products. Providing unique and memorable experience is of utmost important both from consumer and marketers perspective. This research aims to analyze the antecedents and long-term consequences of brand experience of selected consumer durables. To identify the antecedents of brand experience exhaustive literature review and qualitative study in the form expert opinion was carried out. After that questionnaire was prepared which was pre-tested, the items for the questionnaire were adopted, modified and developed by referring to various research studies. This research work provides a reliable, pre-tested questionnaire for the integrated model showing the facilitators and consequences of brand experience for selected consumer durables. Also, this research work provides a roadmap for practising managers to precisely allocate budget and available resources to the facilitators/ antecedents to achieve favourable brand experience.
Brand Experience, Facilitators, Consequences, Reliability Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis.
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