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Identifying the Factors Affecting Purchase of Private Label Brands

1 Research Scholar, Haryana School of Business, GJU S & T, Hisar, Haryana, India
2 Professor, Haryana School of Business, GJU S & T, Hisar, Haryana, India

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Along with the growth in the organised retail sector, private label brands have become a growing phenomenon. Every retailer focuses on the development of private labels due to high margins, thus providing consumers an alternative to national brands. Initially, the focus was only on the food and grocery segments. However, now it has extended to other product categories. The objective is to identify the factors that influence the purchase of private labels in retail stores, through systematic literature review. After a rigorous review, 67 papers were selected, which were published between the years 1972 and 2020. These research papers are from various databases, such as Emerald Insight, Elsevier, and JSTOR. The findings of the study reveal that maximum studies were done on food and grocery and apparel categories. Mall intercept survey was conducted to obtain information from respondents. Other findings revealed that factors such as store image, product familiarity, perceived quality, perceived risk, price consciousness, consumer attitude, value consciousness, and extrinsic cues influenced the perception of consumers towards purchase intention of private label brands.


Retail Industry, Private Labels, Consumers
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  • Identifying the Factors Affecting Purchase of Private Label Brands

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Research Scholar, Haryana School of Business, GJU S & T, Hisar, Haryana, India
Ubba Savita
Professor, Haryana School of Business, GJU S & T, Hisar, Haryana, India


Along with the growth in the organised retail sector, private label brands have become a growing phenomenon. Every retailer focuses on the development of private labels due to high margins, thus providing consumers an alternative to national brands. Initially, the focus was only on the food and grocery segments. However, now it has extended to other product categories. The objective is to identify the factors that influence the purchase of private labels in retail stores, through systematic literature review. After a rigorous review, 67 papers were selected, which were published between the years 1972 and 2020. These research papers are from various databases, such as Emerald Insight, Elsevier, and JSTOR. The findings of the study reveal that maximum studies were done on food and grocery and apparel categories. Mall intercept survey was conducted to obtain information from respondents. Other findings revealed that factors such as store image, product familiarity, perceived quality, perceived risk, price consciousness, consumer attitude, value consciousness, and extrinsic cues influenced the perception of consumers towards purchase intention of private label brands.


Retail Industry, Private Labels, Consumers
