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A Structural Equation Modelling Approach of the Deteminance of Information Sources on Perceived Cognitive Destination Image
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This empirical research paper was an extract from a major research work on understanding the tourists experience and post visit behaviour. Tourism industry confronted furious competition as marketers brand and position their destination in global market through lucrative strategies. One of the most predominant approaches was conceiving a favourable image of the destinations. Studies in this arena had highlighted the importance of information sources in destination image formation process. Accordingly, the primary objective of this work was to understand the structural deteminance of information sources, that included online and offline sources on the tourists’ perceived cognitive image of the destinations. Literary sources were analysed and supporting evidence was pulled out. A model was formulated and hypothesis was framed stating that information sources determine the cognitive destination image. A structured questionnaire containing necessary statements measuring the sources of information and perceived cognitive image of the destination was circulated and the data was collected from 400 tourists using convenient sampling technique. Sample size was rounded to 370 after rejecting the illegible responses. A three stage approach that included Exploratory Factor Analysis of SPSS, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling of AMOS were used to test the hypothesis and the validity of the model. The model fit was identified for the individual factors and for the structural model. Also, the test results indicated the significant impact of information sources on cognitive image. Though there were studies that found the significance similar to this study, the novelty was indicated through the model. Studies were not found modelling these two factors viz; information sources and cognitive destination image. Suggestions were provided for the destination marketers. Limitations and Scope for further research were indicated.
Information Sources, Cognitive, Destination, Image, Tourists
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