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Effect of Workforce Diversity and Organisational Commitment on Employees Job Performance

1 Associate Professor, College of Engineering Trivandrum, Kerala, India
2 College of Engineering Trivandrum, Kerala, India

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The population of the Gulf countries is very diverse, with people belonging to various nationalities, age groups, genders, and so on, working together. Careful diversity management can help organisations achieve greater success. A clearer understanding of diversity and its effects is important. As of 2020, out of Oman’s working population, nearly 22 lakhs (approx.) are expatriates, which constitutes 45% (approx.) of the population. This diversity can also be clearly seen in the workplace, where people from various cultures interact and work together. Extant literature reveals that there is a paucity of research on workforce diversity, organisational commitment, and employees’ job performance in the context of Oman. The lack of research into this matter means the full potential of the diverse workforce is not being utilised. The study focuses on assessing the impact of workforce diversity and organisational commitment on employees’ job performance. A quantitative field research is carried out by circulating a questionnaire among the target population. The study focuses on the input obtained from private sector companies in the Sultanate of Oman over a period spanning from January 2021 to October 2021. Data collected from 171 respondents revealed that both workforce diversity and organisational commitment positively impact job performance. Results also showed that the combined effect of workforce diversity and organisational commitment on job performance is greater than their individual impact on job performance. Results also revealed that there is no significant difference in workforce diversity and organisational commitment with respect to age group, gender, and experience. The outcome of the study provides important implications for practicing managers.


Workforce Diversity, Organisational Commitment, Job Performance
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  • Effect of Workforce Diversity and Organisational Commitment on Employees Job Performance

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Jnaneswar K.
Associate Professor, College of Engineering Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Gayathri Rajendrababu
College of Engineering Trivandrum, Kerala, India


The population of the Gulf countries is very diverse, with people belonging to various nationalities, age groups, genders, and so on, working together. Careful diversity management can help organisations achieve greater success. A clearer understanding of diversity and its effects is important. As of 2020, out of Oman’s working population, nearly 22 lakhs (approx.) are expatriates, which constitutes 45% (approx.) of the population. This diversity can also be clearly seen in the workplace, where people from various cultures interact and work together. Extant literature reveals that there is a paucity of research on workforce diversity, organisational commitment, and employees’ job performance in the context of Oman. The lack of research into this matter means the full potential of the diverse workforce is not being utilised. The study focuses on assessing the impact of workforce diversity and organisational commitment on employees’ job performance. A quantitative field research is carried out by circulating a questionnaire among the target population. The study focuses on the input obtained from private sector companies in the Sultanate of Oman over a period spanning from January 2021 to October 2021. Data collected from 171 respondents revealed that both workforce diversity and organisational commitment positively impact job performance. Results also showed that the combined effect of workforce diversity and organisational commitment on job performance is greater than their individual impact on job performance. Results also revealed that there is no significant difference in workforce diversity and organisational commitment with respect to age group, gender, and experience. The outcome of the study provides important implications for practicing managers.


Workforce Diversity, Organisational Commitment, Job Performance
