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Exploring the Effects of Organisational Capabilities and Managerial Competencies on the Organisational Effectiveness

1 University of Economic Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic of
2 Kharazmi University, Iran, Islamic Republic of

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Nowadays, there is no need to say that organisational effectiveness is important. In today's competitive world, consultants and academics propose new bases to enhance the effectiveness and performance of organisations. In this paper, we have used two new approaches which have found significant emphasis from the part of researchers: organisational capabilities and managerial competencies.

This paper aims to evaluate the effects of managerial competencies and organisational capabilities on the organisational effectiveness. This study develops an integrated model to be tested. The survey data have been collected from 58 managers in all levels of four companies. The results show that the proposed model significantly explains the variance of organisational effectiveness. Findings reveal that both organisational capabilities and managerial competencies contribute significantly to enhancing organisational effectiveness, although the effect of organisational capabilities on organisational effectiveness is more than that of managerial competencies.


Organisational Capabilities, Managerial Competencies, Organisational Effectiveness.
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  • Exploring the Effects of Organisational Capabilities and Managerial Competencies on the Organisational Effectiveness

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Hassan Rangriz
University of Economic Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Farzad Soltanieh
Kharazmi University, Iran, Islamic Republic of


Nowadays, there is no need to say that organisational effectiveness is important. In today's competitive world, consultants and academics propose new bases to enhance the effectiveness and performance of organisations. In this paper, we have used two new approaches which have found significant emphasis from the part of researchers: organisational capabilities and managerial competencies.

This paper aims to evaluate the effects of managerial competencies and organisational capabilities on the organisational effectiveness. This study develops an integrated model to be tested. The survey data have been collected from 58 managers in all levels of four companies. The results show that the proposed model significantly explains the variance of organisational effectiveness. Findings reveal that both organisational capabilities and managerial competencies contribute significantly to enhancing organisational effectiveness, although the effect of organisational capabilities on organisational effectiveness is more than that of managerial competencies.


Organisational Capabilities, Managerial Competencies, Organisational Effectiveness.
