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Quality Evaluation of Selected Ice Cream Samples Sold in the Market of Bikaner City (Rajasthan)

1 Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Home Science, S.K. Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (Rajasthan), India

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Milk and milk products play an important role in human nutrition as they are having excellent nutritional qualities. Ice creams which are highly palatable, nutritious and commercially important dairy product can sometimes become a potential source of health hazard, by causing food poisoning outbreaks or by acting as a carrier of pathogens or by adulteration. The present study was attempted to evaluate the quality of ice creams. For this, samples were collected in triplicates in previously sterilized containers, from five prominent shops of Bikaner city. The average moisture, crude protein, fat, total ash, carbohydrate, energy, calcium and phosphorus content was ranged from 59.74-65.06 g%, 3.06-4.46 g%, 9.00-14.06 g%, 2.35-3.12 g%, 18.24-21.04 g%, 175-222 Kcal, 589-757 mg%, and 648-784 mg%, respectively. Forty per cent, 20 per cent and 60 per cent ice cream samples were noted to be of satisfactory quality with respect to SPC, faecal; E.coli, coliform and; psychrophilic count, respectively. Presence or absence of adulterants like starch and metanil yellow were also detected, but all the samples were found to be devoid of adulterants.


Quality, Bacteriological Examination, Adulteration, Health Hazard, Microbial Count.
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  • Quality Evaluation of Selected Ice Cream Samples Sold in the Market of Bikaner City (Rajasthan)

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Roopam Gupta
Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Home Science, S.K. Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (Rajasthan), India
Madhu Goyal
Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Home Science, S.K. Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (Rajasthan), India


Milk and milk products play an important role in human nutrition as they are having excellent nutritional qualities. Ice creams which are highly palatable, nutritious and commercially important dairy product can sometimes become a potential source of health hazard, by causing food poisoning outbreaks or by acting as a carrier of pathogens or by adulteration. The present study was attempted to evaluate the quality of ice creams. For this, samples were collected in triplicates in previously sterilized containers, from five prominent shops of Bikaner city. The average moisture, crude protein, fat, total ash, carbohydrate, energy, calcium and phosphorus content was ranged from 59.74-65.06 g%, 3.06-4.46 g%, 9.00-14.06 g%, 2.35-3.12 g%, 18.24-21.04 g%, 175-222 Kcal, 589-757 mg%, and 648-784 mg%, respectively. Forty per cent, 20 per cent and 60 per cent ice cream samples were noted to be of satisfactory quality with respect to SPC, faecal; E.coli, coliform and; psychrophilic count, respectively. Presence or absence of adulterants like starch and metanil yellow were also detected, but all the samples were found to be devoid of adulterants.


Quality, Bacteriological Examination, Adulteration, Health Hazard, Microbial Count.
