Use of Mango Seed Kernels for the Development of Antioxidant Rich Health Foods
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Mango seeds are nutritionally dense by-product of mangoes but commonly discarded as waste. The purpose of the study was proper utilization of mango seed kernels. Two products namely Chapati and Panjiri were prepared by incorporating 10-40 per cent level of mango seed kernel flour and evaluated for their sensory attributes. Incorporation of mango seed kernel flour at 30 per cent in Chapati and 40 per cent in Panjiri was organoleptically acceptable. The energy, crude fat and total ash content of supplemented products were significantly higher (p<0.01) as compare to control samples. A significant increase (p<0.01) in calcium and iron content was found. Antioxidant activity was found to be significantly increased (p<0.01) with incorporation of mango seed kernel flour and per cent increase in antioxidant activity was 22 per cent for Chapati and 27 per cent for Panjiri. Hence, the use of mango seed kernel flour can play important role in improving nutritional value of diets and could be recommended for supplementary feeding programmes in the country.
Mango Seed Kernel Flour, Sensory Attributes, Nutritional Composition, Antioxidant Activity.
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