Nutritional and Anti Nutritional Analysis of Iron Rich Flour Develop by Using of Garden Cress Seeds
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Garden cress (Lepidium sativum Linn.) is an annual herb, belonging to Brassicaceae family. Today, garden cress seed used as a good source of iron to prevent anemia. The present study was conducted to develop iron rich flour incorporated with garden cress seeds and assess its nutritional and anti-nutritional composition. Two combination of iron rich flour were developed viz., 90:10 per cent in (Wheat flour + garden cress seed flour) and 60:15:15:10 per cent in (Wheat flour + pearl millet flour + rice flour + garden cress seed flour) flours, respectively to prepare 100 g of flour mix. Nutritional composition of flours revealed that control (wheat flour) contained 11.54 g/100g moisture, 12.03g/100g protein, 1.76 g/ 100g fat, 71.62 g/100g carbohydrate,1.83 g/100g crude fibre and 350.24 kcal per 100 g . WG flour contained 10.89 g/100g moisture, 13.30g/100g protein, 3.50 g/100g fat, 67.41 g/100g carbohydrate, 2.34 g/100g crude fibre and 354.33/100g kcal and nutritional composition revealed that WPRG flour contained 11.15 g/100g moisture, 13.30 g/100g protein, 3.36 g/100g fat, 67.88 g/100g carbohydrate, 2.8 g/100g crude fibre and 350.36 kcal/100g. Phytic acid contents of flours were found 1.35, 7.38 and 7.53 mg/100g. It can be inferred from the above results that the iron rich flour mix were nutritious, acceptable and safe for human consumption.
Garden Cress Seed, Anemia, Nutritional, Anti-Nutritional, Phytic Acid.
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