Nutritional, Sensory and Storage Studies of Instant Multigrain Porride Mix
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Instant multigrain porridge mix was developed from buckwheat and barley grits along with apricot powder in the ratios of 100:0:0::BWG:BG:AP, 0:100:0::BWG:BG:AP, 80:10:10::BWG:BG:AP, 70:20:10::BWG:BG:AP, 60:30:10::BWG:BG:AP and 50:40:10::BWG:BG:AP. During the current investigation, it was observed that incorporation of barley grits and apricot powder to buckwheat grits in all the formulations increased mean values of iron and zinc contents from 4.51 to 6.31 mg/ 100g and 1.66 to 3.02 mg/100g, respectively, however, there was a decrease in calcium content from 63.62 to 59.28 mg/100g. On organoleptic testing, increase in taste, body and overall acceptability scores and decrease in colour score were observed with the substitution of incorporates. The developed porridge mix was stored for 150 days under ambient conditions during which afore mentioned parameters were found to be declined however the product was microbiologically safe for consumption.
Buckwheat, Barley, Apricot, Pseudo-Cereal, Instant Porridge Mix, Sensory Evaluation.
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