Effect of different Drying Methods on Physico-Chemical and Functional Properties of Flour Produced from Sprouted Whole Wheat Grain
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The effect of different drying methods on physico-chemical and functional properties of sprouted wheat flour was analyzed in this study. For this research, the controlled germination of wheat was performed at 27-30°C temperature and 85 per cent relative humidity for 30-36 h immediately after soaking for a period 10-12 h. The samples were dried using recirculatory tray drying (TD), vacuum drying (VD) and microwave drying (MD). The results of proximate analysis, amylose content, α-amylase activity and crystallinity of sprouted wheat flour obtained from TD, VD and MD varied significantly (P<0.05) and VD sample showed higher α-amylase activity (9.40 units/mg) and crystallinity (22.49%) with low amylose content (20.32%). The VD samples exhibited higher L* (82.89) and b* (18.82) value with reduced a* value (3.38). The functional properties like rheological behaviour (G’ and G”), water absorption index and water soluble index also varied significantly (p<0.05) among samples with improved nature in VD samples.
Sprouting, Drying, Crystallinity, Amylose Content, α-amylase Activity.
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