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Effect of different Drying Methods on Physico-Chemical and Functional Properties of Flour Produced from Sprouted Whole Wheat Grain

1 Food Science and Technology Laboratory, Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (W.B.), India
2 Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian institute of Technology, Kharagpur (W.B.), India

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The effect of different drying methods on physico-chemical and functional properties of sprouted wheat flour was analyzed in this study. For this research, the controlled germination of wheat was performed at 27-30°C temperature and 85 per cent relative humidity for 30-36 h immediately after soaking for a period 10-12 h. The samples were dried using recirculatory tray drying (TD), vacuum drying (VD) and microwave drying (MD). The results of proximate analysis, amylose content, α-amylase activity and crystallinity of sprouted wheat flour obtained from TD, VD and MD varied significantly (P<0.05) and VD sample showed higher α-amylase activity (9.40 units/mg) and crystallinity (22.49%) with low amylose content (20.32%). The VD samples exhibited higher L* (82.89) and b* (18.82) value with reduced a* value (3.38). The functional properties like rheological behaviour (G’ and G”), water absorption index and water soluble index also varied significantly (p<0.05) among samples with improved nature in VD samples.


Sprouting, Drying, Crystallinity, Amylose Content, α-amylase Activity.
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  • Effect of different Drying Methods on Physico-Chemical and Functional Properties of Flour Produced from Sprouted Whole Wheat Grain

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Sunil Manohar Behera
Food Science and Technology Laboratory, Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (W.B.), India
Prem Prakash Srivastav
Department of Agricultural and Food Engineering, Indian institute of Technology, Kharagpur (W.B.), India


The effect of different drying methods on physico-chemical and functional properties of sprouted wheat flour was analyzed in this study. For this research, the controlled germination of wheat was performed at 27-30°C temperature and 85 per cent relative humidity for 30-36 h immediately after soaking for a period 10-12 h. The samples were dried using recirculatory tray drying (TD), vacuum drying (VD) and microwave drying (MD). The results of proximate analysis, amylose content, α-amylase activity and crystallinity of sprouted wheat flour obtained from TD, VD and MD varied significantly (P<0.05) and VD sample showed higher α-amylase activity (9.40 units/mg) and crystallinity (22.49%) with low amylose content (20.32%). The VD samples exhibited higher L* (82.89) and b* (18.82) value with reduced a* value (3.38). The functional properties like rheological behaviour (G’ and G”), water absorption index and water soluble index also varied significantly (p<0.05) among samples with improved nature in VD samples.


Sprouting, Drying, Crystallinity, Amylose Content, α-amylase Activity.
