Value Addition of Chapathi with Germinated Pulses and its Popularization
A study on “Formulation of germinated pulses incorporated chapathi and its popularization” was conducted as germinated pulses are highly nutritive and contain large amounts of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Bengal gram, green gram and horse gram were selected for the study. The selected pulses were germinated, dried and powdered separately and incorporated in wheat chapathies at 10%, 20% and 30% levels. Organoleptic evaluation was done to assess the acceptability using five point Hedonic scale. Best results were obtained for 10% incorporation with germinated Bengal gram flour and horse gram flour whereas germinated green gram was well accepted at 30% level. Germinated pulses incorporated chapathies were found to be rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C and fibre. Incorporation of germinated pulses in chapathi was popularized among 50 home makers of Arappampalayam village in Erode District.
Germinated Pulses, Popularization, Standardization, Value Addition.
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