A natural sweeterner using Sapota fruit was formulated with the objective to develop sapota syrup and to analyseits physiochemical characteristics and evaluate the organoleptic acceptance of syrup as a sweetener. Good quality sapota was purchased and syrup was prepared. The percent yield and physicochemical properties of the sapota syrup was determined. Sapota syrup was incorporated into Grape squash, in four different variations (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) and its sensory attributes were evaluated. Results showed that overall yield of the Sapota syrup was 200 ml/kg of fruit. The TSS, pH, sucrose, titrable acidity, moisture and available waterof sapota syrup was found to be 21%, 5.3, 6.6%, 1.3%, 46% and 0.95 respectively. The amount of non-reducing sugars (Glucose and fructose) was also analyzed and it was found to be 4.2% and 6.6% respectively. Complete replacement of sugar syrup in Grape squash was acceptable without affecting its sensory attributes.
Grape Squash, Organoleptic Acceptance, Physio Chemical Characteristics, Sapota Syrup.
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