Galactogogues (or lactogogues) are medications or other substances believed to assist initiation, maintenance, or augmentation of the rate of maternal milk synthesis. Natural Galactogogue Mixes were formulated using food ingredients like flaxseed, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, almond and cashew nuts. Central Composite Design (CCD) was followed for selection of final best combinations of Natural Galactogogue Mix (NGM). The sensory evaluation of all the NGM combinations was also done. The NGM1, NGM4, NGM5, NGM6, NGM7, NGM8 and NGM9 were selected without repetition for sensory evaluations. From the mean scores of sensory evaluation of combinations of NGM, NGM4 and NGM8 had the highest score. The NGM4 and NGM8 were selected for the analysis of physicochemical properties and nutrient content. Physico-chemical parameters and nutrient contents of NGM4 and NGM8 were analyzed. The moisture content of the NGM4 (1%) was equal to the NGM8 (1%). The ash content of NGM8 (7.6%) was higher than the NGM4 (5%). The Bulk density, True density and porosity of NGM8 were higher than NGM4. Regarding the nutrient content, NGM4 had higher protein content than NGM8. This was perhaps due to the fact that the weight of flaxseed and fenugreek is slightly higher than NGM8. The carbohydrates and fibre content of both NGM4 (39.82 g and 1.2g) and NGM8 (39.82 g and 1.2g) were same. When compared to NGM4, NGM8 had more energy, fat, folic acid, riboflavin, vitamin-C, iron and calcium. So, NGM8 combination has been selected as best combination. The cost of NGM was also calculated.
Galactogouge, Garlic, Ginger, Flaxseed, Fenugreek, Almond, Sensory Evaluation, Cost Calculation
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