Every year, 17.1 million lives are claimed by the global burden of heart disease and stroke, 82 per cent of which are in the developing world and it continues to be the number one killer worldwide. CVD are the major cause of morbidity and mortality with dyslipidemia contributing significantly to atherosclerosis. In the present era, medical intervention for cardiovascular problems is beyond the reach of a common man living in a small town or rural areas. Towards this vein the present research is planned with the following objectives to develop a focused education modules on heart health and hypercholesterolemia and role of lifestyle and diet changes for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and evaluate the impact of education in the disease prevention. Hence for the present study 30 cardiovascular subjects from the cardiac care clinic and 40 hypercholesterolemic subjects from rural villages through screening process were selected for conducting the focused education. To conduct the education, booklets, pamphlets and computer aided power point preparations were prepared about definition of cardiovascular disease, their types, symptoms and risk factors, various treatments, stress management through exercise and yoga, the causes, signs and symptoms for hypercholesterolemia, medical treatment for hypercholesterolemia, lifestyle changes and necessary dietary modification for hypercholesterolemia in both English and local language Tamil. The selected subjects were assembled in a common place and the same content covered in the booklets and pamphlets were explained to the subjects with simulated video clippings and pictures through computer aided presentations in local language. Finally the developed education modules such as booklet and pamphlets in the local languages were distributed to the subjects for their future use. A special Knowledge, Attitude and Practices interview schedule with scores was designed to test the effect of education on the selected subjects. Results showed statistically significant increase in their knowledge, attitude and practice towards their heart health. Thus, the focused education on heart health strengthened their knowledge, attitude and practices towards leading life with confidence.
Dietary Modification, Focused Education, Hypercholesterolemia, Lifestyle Changes
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