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A Fuzzy Based Analysis Of Consumer Satisfaction Among The Electricity Consumers For Improving Consumer Relationship Management
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The objective of this study is to measure and analyze consumers’ satisfaction of electricity users (domestic) in Kolkata and its surrounding area depending upon various factors, such as the quality of services, supply restoration time, behavior of the Meter Inspectors and the pricing policy, billing system, bill payment systems and corporate imagery and consumer relationship. The present research was conducted with the use of a specially developed website questionnaire containing thirteen questions and consumers feedbacks were collected from February to March, 2021. The results were analyzed with a Fuzzy logic based consumer satisfaction index (CSI) developed by using the data obtained from the responses of the consumer feedback. Areas of improvements have been identified and mapped on the basis of survey results and to take corrective actions accordingly as recommended to enhance consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty, which is the main purpose of the project work. This empirical study may serve as a reference for Any electricity provider who desires to carry out similar studies in the future.
Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Relationship Management, Electricity, Fuzzy Logic, Performance Parameter, West Bengal
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