The Effect Of Covid-19 On Marketing Innovations And Corporate Social Responsibility (Case Study: Active Companies In Food Industry)
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In today’s competitive world, marketing innovation is an important strategy for companies. Given the many changes in consumer behavior and the behavior of companies in the global COVID-19 virus crisis, especially in the field of food, understanding the effects of COVID-19 virus on customer behavior and expectations is essential for companies to succeed. Companies can also take of social responsibility, especially in times of crisis, and create a good positioning for themselves in the minds of customers. This study investigates the role of COVID-19 virus pandemic on marketing innovations and social responsibility of food companies. This research is descriptive-survey and we use questioner to gathering data. The statistical sample was selected by random sampling method from managers and experts active in the food industry in Tehran. Structural Equation modeling was analyzed using Smart PLS software. Findings showed that the COVID-19 virus epidemic has a significant effect on marketing innovations and corporate social responsibility. The results suggest that food companies need to increase marketing innovations and social responsibility behaviors to improve their success as the COVID-19 virus expands. Finally, practical suggestions were presented to improve activities and strategies for the success of companies and attract customers in critical illness conditions.
Consequences of COVID-19, Marketing Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility
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