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McDonaldization of Work in Indian Fast-food Industry

1 HRM Group, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India

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This study explores the nature of fast-food work in the Indian context using a qualitative case study approach. The production and service systems at an Indian fast-food chain outlet and employees' experiences of these systems are analyzed. Standardization and rout inization is not strictly enforced compared to multinational chains like Domino's or McDonald's. Workers from rural background with little education oppose these practices as they find it difficult to adapt them. Poor pay, hectic workload and limited potential for growth become acceptable to young and vulnerable workers due to lack of alternate job opportunities.
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  • McDonaldization of Work in Indian Fast-food Industry

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Dharma Raju Bathini
HRM Group, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India


This study explores the nature of fast-food work in the Indian context using a qualitative case study approach. The production and service systems at an Indian fast-food chain outlet and employees' experiences of these systems are analyzed. Standardization and rout inization is not strictly enforced compared to multinational chains like Domino's or McDonald's. Workers from rural background with little education oppose these practices as they find it difficult to adapt them. Poor pay, hectic workload and limited potential for growth become acceptable to young and vulnerable workers due to lack of alternate job opportunities.