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The Role of Extrinsic Attributes on Product Performance: Perspective of Bangladesh

1 Marketing Department, Rajshahi University., Bangladesh
2 Department of Business Management, Saurashtra University, Rajkot., India

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This study is conducted to look at the role of extrinsic attributes on product performance of buying decision making process in Bangladesh. Warranty duration, price variation, country of origin, brand image, and corporate image are considered as extrinsic attributes for this study. Five hypotheses were developed to see the effect of extrinsic attributes on consumers' buying decision making process. A total of 650 random samples were collected using Seven Point Scale. Multiple regression analysis was employed to find out the effect of extrinsic attributes on products performance. The statistical findings indicate that all formulated hypotheses were supported at different significant levels. Producers, businessmen, and other related people may use the findings of this study to enhance the competitive position of their business in the market. The methodology which is employed in this study could be used in other social researches for understanding the effect extrinsic attributes on product performance during the consumers' buying decision-making process. Students and academicians can get ideas for discussion of behavioral science in a rational manner.


Extrinsic Attributes, Product Performance, Buying, Decision Making Process
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  • The Role of Extrinsic Attributes on Product Performance: Perspective of Bangladesh

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Enayet Hossain
Marketing Department, Rajshahi University., Bangladesh
Sanjay J. Bhayani
Department of Business Management, Saurashtra University, Rajkot., India


This study is conducted to look at the role of extrinsic attributes on product performance of buying decision making process in Bangladesh. Warranty duration, price variation, country of origin, brand image, and corporate image are considered as extrinsic attributes for this study. Five hypotheses were developed to see the effect of extrinsic attributes on consumers' buying decision making process. A total of 650 random samples were collected using Seven Point Scale. Multiple regression analysis was employed to find out the effect of extrinsic attributes on products performance. The statistical findings indicate that all formulated hypotheses were supported at different significant levels. Producers, businessmen, and other related people may use the findings of this study to enhance the competitive position of their business in the market. The methodology which is employed in this study could be used in other social researches for understanding the effect extrinsic attributes on product performance during the consumers' buying decision-making process. Students and academicians can get ideas for discussion of behavioral science in a rational manner.


Extrinsic Attributes, Product Performance, Buying, Decision Making Process
