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Local or Imported Chicken Meat: which is the Preference of Rural Ghanaians?

1 Presbyterian University College Ghana, Akuapem Campus, Eastern Region, Ghana

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This study investigates the preference of rural Ghanaians between local and imported chicken meat since various research on consumers' preference for local or imported goods have largely focused on urban dwellers and durable products. Relying on 90 participants in three rural communities of Ghana, the study finds that local chicken meat is preferred to imported chicken meat on the grounds of quality (safety), taste, patriotism, and tenderness. The preference is also influenced by participant's age, marital status, and number of children. The results here do not support the country of origin effect argument in other studies. Again, the participants strongly indicate their support for the ban on importation of chicken meat into the country for various reasons. Based on the results, recommendations are offered.


Country of Origin, Poultry, Rural, Ghana
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  • Local or Imported Chicken Meat: which is the Preference of Rural Ghanaians?

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Paul Adjei Kwakwa
Presbyterian University College Ghana, Akuapem Campus, Eastern Region, Ghana


This study investigates the preference of rural Ghanaians between local and imported chicken meat since various research on consumers' preference for local or imported goods have largely focused on urban dwellers and durable products. Relying on 90 participants in three rural communities of Ghana, the study finds that local chicken meat is preferred to imported chicken meat on the grounds of quality (safety), taste, patriotism, and tenderness. The preference is also influenced by participant's age, marital status, and number of children. The results here do not support the country of origin effect argument in other studies. Again, the participants strongly indicate their support for the ban on importation of chicken meat into the country for various reasons. Based on the results, recommendations are offered.


Country of Origin, Poultry, Rural, Ghana
