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Evaluation of Customers' Expectation-Perception Score on Service Quality in Life Insurance Corporation of India

1 Department of Business Administration, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
2 Department of Tourism Management, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India

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Customer's association with the service provider in order to get various services leads to expectation from the providers. Customers always try to estimate their perceived services in respect of the several service quality dimensions which over times varies situation-wise, culture-wise, nation-wise, sector-wise as well as industry-wise. Empirical studies indicated that every dimension of the service quality plays a significant role in customers' mind on the quality of services perceived in respect to a specific service industry. In this paper, while investigating dimensional structure of service quality for the largest as well as one and only public sector life insurance company of India, namely Life Insurance Corporation of India (LICI) in Burdwan district, West Bengal, researchers studied the customers’ expectation and perception of the quality of services and used Bexley’s Customer Retention Indicator Grid to evaluate the customers' expectation-perception score against each dimension of the service quality provided by the Life Insurance Corporation of India.


Dimension, Expectation, Insurance, Perception, Service Quality.
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  • Evaluation of Customers' Expectation-Perception Score on Service Quality in Life Insurance Corporation of India

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Partha Sarathi Choudhuri
Department of Business Administration, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Bivraj Bhusan Parida
Department of Tourism Management, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India


Customer's association with the service provider in order to get various services leads to expectation from the providers. Customers always try to estimate their perceived services in respect of the several service quality dimensions which over times varies situation-wise, culture-wise, nation-wise, sector-wise as well as industry-wise. Empirical studies indicated that every dimension of the service quality plays a significant role in customers' mind on the quality of services perceived in respect to a specific service industry. In this paper, while investigating dimensional structure of service quality for the largest as well as one and only public sector life insurance company of India, namely Life Insurance Corporation of India (LICI) in Burdwan district, West Bengal, researchers studied the customers’ expectation and perception of the quality of services and used Bexley’s Customer Retention Indicator Grid to evaluate the customers' expectation-perception score against each dimension of the service quality provided by the Life Insurance Corporation of India.


Dimension, Expectation, Insurance, Perception, Service Quality.
