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Relevance of Financial Service Advertisements in Investment Decisions and Purchase of Financial Products : Evidence from the Indian Insurance Sector

1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business, Sohar University, Sohar, Oman
2 Assistant Professor, Economics and Business Studies Department, Mazoon College, Al Seeb, Oman
3 Independent Researcher, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand - 826 004, India

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This study investigated the impact of investment decision-making on financial product purchases and explored the mediating role of financial services advertisements in India’s insurance sector. Data collected from 447 responses were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS. SEM was conducted to testify the hypotheses. The results identified that the entertainment variable played a vital role in determining financial product purchases and investment decision-making. The results also indicated that financial services advertising, perceived reality, and usefulness positively and significantly mediated between financial product purchases and investment decision making. The study provided valuable clues for the investment and selection of financial products. The insights acquired from this study may have significant consequences for corporate promotional behavior, investor relations systems, and coordinated public engagement activities.


Investment Decisions, Financial Product Purchases, Perceived Reality, Usefulness, Entertainment, Financial Services Advertising.

Paper Submission Date : May 10, 2020 ; Paper Sent Back for Revision : August 20, 2020 ; Paper Acceptance Date : December 21, 2020 ; Paper Published Online : September 20, 2021.

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  • Relevance of Financial Service Advertisements in Investment Decisions and Purchase of Financial Products : Evidence from the Indian Insurance Sector

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Sarfaraz Javed
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business, Sohar University, Sohar, Oman
Uvesh Husain
Assistant Professor, Economics and Business Studies Department, Mazoon College, Al Seeb, Oman
Namrata Pathak
Independent Researcher, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand - 826 004, India


This study investigated the impact of investment decision-making on financial product purchases and explored the mediating role of financial services advertisements in India’s insurance sector. Data collected from 447 responses were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS. SEM was conducted to testify the hypotheses. The results identified that the entertainment variable played a vital role in determining financial product purchases and investment decision-making. The results also indicated that financial services advertising, perceived reality, and usefulness positively and significantly mediated between financial product purchases and investment decision making. The study provided valuable clues for the investment and selection of financial products. The insights acquired from this study may have significant consequences for corporate promotional behavior, investor relations systems, and coordinated public engagement activities.


Investment Decisions, Financial Product Purchases, Perceived Reality, Usefulness, Entertainment, Financial Services Advertising.

Paper Submission Date : May 10, 2020 ; Paper Sent Back for Revision : August 20, 2020 ; Paper Acceptance Date : December 21, 2020 ; Paper Published Online : September 20, 2021.
