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ICT-an Innovative Approach to Sustainable Tourism Development

1 Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield., United Kingdom
2 School of Business, Enterprise and Management, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh., United Kingdom

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This research develops the proposition that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can offer an innovative approach to sustainable tourism development. ICT applications can play a critical role in managing the impacts of tourism and destination managers, amongst other key stakeholders, will find this research useful in helping to translate the theory of sustainable tourism into a workable reality for their destinations. This paper discusses and presents a conceptual version of the modified the Abernathy & Clark (1985) model in exploring and developing a new research domain of ICT and sustainable tourism development. A wide-ranging collection of ICT-based tools/applications is identified which can be used for the diverse aspects of the sustainable development of tourism.


Computer-based Sustainability, eTourism, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Innovation, Sustainable Tourism Development
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  • ICT-an Innovative Approach to Sustainable Tourism Development

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Ali Alisha
Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield., United Kingdom
J. Frew Andrew
School of Business, Enterprise and Management, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh., United Kingdom


This research develops the proposition that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can offer an innovative approach to sustainable tourism development. ICT applications can play a critical role in managing the impacts of tourism and destination managers, amongst other key stakeholders, will find this research useful in helping to translate the theory of sustainable tourism into a workable reality for their destinations. This paper discusses and presents a conceptual version of the modified the Abernathy & Clark (1985) model in exploring and developing a new research domain of ICT and sustainable tourism development. A wide-ranging collection of ICT-based tools/applications is identified which can be used for the diverse aspects of the sustainable development of tourism.


Computer-based Sustainability, eTourism, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Innovation, Sustainable Tourism Development
