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Determinant of Employees' Job Satisfaction and the Role of Male and Female Differences: an Empirical Study at Hotel Industry in Iran
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Employee satisfaction is a parameter used to measure of the extent to which employees are pleased with their particular jobs and working environment. Continuously improving the spirits and self-confidence among employees can be of incredible benefits to any organization, given that happy employees are anticipated to put in more energy and time, take less leave of absence, and remain dedicated to the company. There are a number of factors that improve or sustain high employee satisfaction, which sensible employers thrive to implement. This objective of this study is to determine the level of employees'job satisfaction and to investigate the effect of gender on employees'job satisfaction. Important factors that have an impact on job satisfaction are supervision, relationship with co-workers, rewards, work condition, and opportunities for promotion. Data for this research were gathered from employees of four 5 rated-star hotels in Iran. The illustrative evaluation executed to decide the grade of employees'job satisfaction. Furthermore, independent sample t-test was utilized to empirically test relationship between employees'job satisfaction and their gender. Findings suggest that employees are moderately satisfied with their job and there is no significant difference in between male and female employees'job satisfaction.
Employees, Job Satisfaction, Gender, 5 Star Hotels, Iran.
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