Effect of Supplementation of Wheat Grass (Triticum aestivum L.) Powder on Blood Glucose Level of Selected Diabetic Subjects
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Diabetes mellitus is reaching potentially epidemic proportions in India. The experiment was conducted with an objective to study the effect of supplementation of wheat grass powder on blood glucose level of the diabetic subjects. Thirty noninsulin dependent diabetic subjects as control group (15) and experimental group (15) were selected from Parbhani city of Maharashtra state. Data regarding anthropometric measurements and fasting as well as post prandial blood glucose level of the selected subjects of control and experimental group was recorded initially, at 30th day and 60th day of experiment. Supplementation of 3 g of wheat grass powder was given daily to the subjects of experimental group for 60 days. The anthropometric measurements such as weight (kg), body mass index, mid upper arm circumference (cm) and triceps skinfold thickness (mm) were found to be decreased after the supplementation of wheat grass powder for two months, but the significant difference was noticed only for weight and BMI values. On the other hand specific trend was not noticed in the anthropometric measurements of the subjects of control group. Mean fasting and post prandial blood glucose level of the selected diabetic subjects of experimental group were significantly decreased from 192.13 ± 59.41 mg/dl to 179.46 ± 54.79 mg/dl and from 266.93 ± 81.47 mg/dl to 244.86 ± 77.59 mg/dl, respectively after 60 days of supplementation of wheat grass powder, whereas slight increase was noticed in the selected diabetic subjects of control group. Hence, supplementation of wheat grass powder for two months resulted in reducing the blood glucose level of diabetic subjects therefore being a natural product; wheat grass could be considered as effective measure for management of diabetes mellitus.
Wheat Grass (Triticum aestivum L.) Powder, Diabetes Mellitus, Anthropometric Measurements, Fasting Blood Glucose Level, Post Prandial Blood Glucose Level.
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