Trends in Fast Food Consumption among Adolescents in Ludhiana (Punjab)
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The aim of this study was to examine the trends of fast food consumption among adolescent in Ludhiana. In a crosssectional survey, 120 undergraduate students with equal proportions of boys and girls were randomly selected from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and recruited to participate in this study. The study was carried out using selfdesigned and pre-tested questionnaire to analyze the fast food consumption pattern of respondents. Twenty-four-hour diet recall and a face-to-face interview food questionnaire were performed. The study revealed that daily consumption of fast foods was higher among boys as compared to girls. Burger, Manchurian, Noodles, Pizza, Patty and Samosa were the frequently consumed fast foods amongst college students. The data revealed that 42.5 per cent college students i.e. 46.7 per cent boys and 38.3 per cent girls consumed fast foods on daily basis. About 31.7 per cent of the subjects i.e. 30 per cent boys and 33.3 per cent girls consumed fast food twice/ thrice a week. While 10.8 per cent respondents consumed fast foods weekly i.e. once week and 15 per cent consumed fast food fortnightly. The contribution of fast foods towards the total energy, protein, carbohydrate and fat was 17.82±2.8, 14.1±3.9, 12.3±6.2 and 23.82±5.9 per cent, respectively. Thus indicating a high consumption of fast foods among college students.
Adolescents, Fast Food Consumption Pattern, Twenty-Four Hour Diet Recall, Frequency of Consumption, Contribution to Major Nutrients.
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