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Total Phenolic, Flavonoid, β-Carotene and In-vitro Anti-Oxidant Activity of Vegetable Wastes Collected from Hotels and Food Processing Centre
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The present study compares Total Phenolic Content, Total Flavonoid Content, β–carotene content and in-vitro antioxidant activity of hydro-methanolic (20:80) extract of three commonly available vegetable wastes namely tomato pomace (TP), skin of green pea pod(GP) and beet ischolar_main peel (BP) from hotels and food processing center nearby Kolkata, India. BP showed significantly (P<0.05) higher level of total phenolic contents followed by GP and TP. On the other hand, GP showed highest (P<0.05) flavonoid content followed by TP and BP. This study revealed that β–carotene content in TP was significantly (P<0.05) more than in GP, although no β–carotene was detected in BP. DPPH assay for in-vitro antioxidant activity indicated highest antioxidant activity in BP followed by GP and TP. It is concluded that beet ischolar_main peels might be used for producing functional food/feed additives due to its high anti-oxidant capacity and warrants further study in this regard.
Antioxidants, β Carotene, DPPH, Flavonoid, Phenolic, Vegetable Wastes.
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