Sensory Perception of Whey Enriched Cookies
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Whey is obtained from milk as a byproduct in the manufacturing of paneer and cheese. The whey contained 6.90% total solids. The protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate/lactose content of whey were 0.87, 0.36, 0.43 and 4.91%, respectively. Low value dairy products such as whey, pose a huge opportunity to be converted into value-added products. The development of nutritionally and highly acceptable balanced protein foods to feed the growing population in under developed countries is receiving increasing attention of the food scientists and nutritionists. This study was planned to evaluate the sensory characteristics of whey enriched cookies prepared from blends of whey and water in the ratio of 25:75, 50:50, 75:25 and 100:0, respectively and subjected to baking temperatures of 175 °C. However the cookies developed after the whey incorporation were equally accepted in following attributes i.e. taste and flavor, body and texture, colour and appearance and overall acceptability as the control samples. Browning of cookies was enhanced with the increased amount of whey due to the Maillard reaction between the additional protein and lactose. Crispiness also increases as whey incorporation increased. The ranking of the product ranged between liked slightly to liked very much. On the basis of nine point hedonic scale which means that the whey incorporated cookies were highly accepted and this fulfills the purpose of the present study.
Whey, Cookies, Proximate Composition, Cereals and Dough, Whey Utilization.
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