Acute Effect of Moringa oleifera Seed Extract on Oocyte Maturation, Gonadosomatic Index and Hepatosomatic Index of Brackishwater Catfish, Mystus gulio
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The study was conducted during spawning season (June-July) to evaluate the effect of Moringa oleifera seeds Petroleum Ether extracts (MPE) on gonad development and maturation of Mystus gulio. A total of 72 individual’s adult Mystus gulio (weighing from 72-110 g) were equally distributed in four different experimental groups in triplicate. Animals were fed with four different isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets viz. T1 (control), T2 (0.5 g MPE/kg), T3 (1 g MPE/kg) and T4 (1.5 g MPE/kg) for 35 days. Result of the experiment showed that the significantly (p<0.05) maximum oocytes growth, gonadosomatic index (GSI) value and hepatosomatic index (HIS) value in T3 experimental group followed by T2 group as compared to control. Histological observation of ovary deciphers the comparatively mature oocytes in T3 group. These mature oocytes are characterized by fusion of yolk granules, oil globules and thickening of egg chorion. Feeding with higher dose of MPE (T4) results in fatty liver and hepatocytes hypertrophy. This higher dose negatively affects the oocyte maturation, GSI and HSI of M. gulio. From the study it is concluded that the inclusion of 1 g of MPE/kg diet will improve the oocyte maturation, GSI and HSI in M. gulio cat fish.
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