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Triangular Model: Ultimate Regime to Enhance Efficacy in Technical Education

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
2 Department of Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark

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The technical education in India is on radar due to the poor employability of the graduates. The enrollment of students in higher technological education is drastically reducing year by year. A survey conducted to focus on this issue in engineering institutes in India. The purpose is to examine the lacunas in the technical education system. Based on the analysis, the triangular model is suggested, which is the ultimate model to increase productivity in the Indian higher technical education system. Herein, we have performed the survey-based analysis for ~1800 students from three technical institutes belonging to two different Universities in Maharashtra. In this model, we have chosen three vertexes with free to consign anywhere during trials on students. The vertex is a student, faculty, and lastly productive academic environment. Although, to increase the overall efficiency of student and teacher, we have initiated the triangular model using power law. However, the power-law has a generalized innovative capsule to improve the valid coefficient rating, which automatically increases the number of technical skills towards students.


Triangular Models, Power-Law, Sandip University, Employability, Higher Technical Education.
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  • Triangular Model: Ultimate Regime to Enhance Efficacy in Technical Education

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Dnyandeo Dattatraya Shinde
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Sandip University, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Ramjee Prasad
Department of Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark


The technical education in India is on radar due to the poor employability of the graduates. The enrollment of students in higher technological education is drastically reducing year by year. A survey conducted to focus on this issue in engineering institutes in India. The purpose is to examine the lacunas in the technical education system. Based on the analysis, the triangular model is suggested, which is the ultimate model to increase productivity in the Indian higher technical education system. Herein, we have performed the survey-based analysis for ~1800 students from three technical institutes belonging to two different Universities in Maharashtra. In this model, we have chosen three vertexes with free to consign anywhere during trials on students. The vertex is a student, faculty, and lastly productive academic environment. Although, to increase the overall efficiency of student and teacher, we have initiated the triangular model using power law. However, the power-law has a generalized innovative capsule to improve the valid coefficient rating, which automatically increases the number of technical skills towards students.


Triangular Models, Power-Law, Sandip University, Employability, Higher Technical Education.
