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Demystifying Entrepreneurship and Innovation to Prepare Generation Z for Possibilities of Self-Employment

1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Engineering and Built Environment, Pretoria, South Africa

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A need for a better living and the lack of jobs are real-world problems which affects the generation Z. Innovation and entrepreneurship is an important socio-economic factor that could create jobs. Using the mixed-methods, this paper shares the findings of a doctoral research project aimed at exploring and testing how students in Engineering and Technology Education classes perceive the inclusion of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education concepts in their modules. The exercise took place from 2013 to 2016. The paper highlights a University- Sponsored Student Business Venture model which was used to train students; while its inclusion in the Network System module, resulted in students proposing innovative ideas that needed prototype or product development funding. This exercise showed students how inclusion of entrepreneurship and innovation could lead to skills that could profitably help them explore ideas for purpose of establishing self-employment through student-led new business ventures.


Generation Z, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Student Entrepreneurs And Innovators, University-sponsored Business Venture, Joint Ventures.
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Abstract Views: 427

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  • Demystifying Entrepreneurship and Innovation to Prepare Generation Z for Possibilities of Self-Employment

Abstract Views: 427  |  PDF Views: 204


Vusumuzi Malele
Department of Industrial Engineering, Engineering and Built Environment, Pretoria, South Africa


A need for a better living and the lack of jobs are real-world problems which affects the generation Z. Innovation and entrepreneurship is an important socio-economic factor that could create jobs. Using the mixed-methods, this paper shares the findings of a doctoral research project aimed at exploring and testing how students in Engineering and Technology Education classes perceive the inclusion of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education concepts in their modules. The exercise took place from 2013 to 2016. The paper highlights a University- Sponsored Student Business Venture model which was used to train students; while its inclusion in the Network System module, resulted in students proposing innovative ideas that needed prototype or product development funding. This exercise showed students how inclusion of entrepreneurship and innovation could lead to skills that could profitably help them explore ideas for purpose of establishing self-employment through student-led new business ventures.


Generation Z, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Student Entrepreneurs And Innovators, University-sponsored Business Venture, Joint Ventures.
