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Method of Designing and Implementing Outcome-Based Learning in Value Added Courses for Contemporary Skills which Enhances the Program Outcomes

1 Dept. of Computer Applications, BMS Institute of technology and Management (Affiliated to Vivesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi), Doddaballapura Main Road, Avalahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru-560064, Karnataka, India

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The acceptance of outcome-based education (OBE) is increasing since the 1980s across different countries in the world. Implementation of OBE is essential right from primary education to postgraduate courses and even in research programs since the primary focus is on outcomes that are learner centric.

This paper analyses the OBE curriculum design, it reflects on the method of designing value-added courses (VAC) and its effectiveness. It is found that VACs are instrumental in reducing the curriculum gaps to attain program outcomes (POs) of any given curriculum along with targeted skills. This work demonstrates the curriculum gap analysis, determines sample of learners acquiring cognitive skills in randomly selected courses, presents a framework for Industry-endorsed open short-term courses, and introduces new formats for documenting VACs for project-based and case study-based learning. The VACs contribute to POs by nearly 20%. It may be noted that VACs implementation enabled all POs attainment and gives no room for the curriculum gap. This paper contributes a comprehensive idea for offering several VACs that boost the achievement of POs at the expected level along with contemporary skills by considering a postgraduate degree.


Course-Outcomes, Value-Added Courses, Programme-Outcomes, Outcome-Based Education.
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  • Method of Designing and Implementing Outcome-Based Learning in Value Added Courses for Contemporary Skills which Enhances the Program Outcomes

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Arun Kumar B. R.
Dept. of Computer Applications, BMS Institute of technology and Management (Affiliated to Vivesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi), Doddaballapura Main Road, Avalahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru-560064, Karnataka, India


The acceptance of outcome-based education (OBE) is increasing since the 1980s across different countries in the world. Implementation of OBE is essential right from primary education to postgraduate courses and even in research programs since the primary focus is on outcomes that are learner centric.

This paper analyses the OBE curriculum design, it reflects on the method of designing value-added courses (VAC) and its effectiveness. It is found that VACs are instrumental in reducing the curriculum gaps to attain program outcomes (POs) of any given curriculum along with targeted skills. This work demonstrates the curriculum gap analysis, determines sample of learners acquiring cognitive skills in randomly selected courses, presents a framework for Industry-endorsed open short-term courses, and introduces new formats for documenting VACs for project-based and case study-based learning. The VACs contribute to POs by nearly 20%. It may be noted that VACs implementation enabled all POs attainment and gives no room for the curriculum gap. This paper contributes a comprehensive idea for offering several VACs that boost the achievement of POs at the expected level along with contemporary skills by considering a postgraduate degree.


Course-Outcomes, Value-Added Courses, Programme-Outcomes, Outcome-Based Education.
