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Organizational Virtuousness:The Customer's Perspective

1 Makerere University Business School, Jinja Campus, Department of Marketing and Management, Uganda
2 Makerere University Business School, Uganda
3 River State University of Science & Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Purpose: The purpose of the present paper is to review and document prominent organisational virtues scattered in attendant literature so as to facilitate the construction of the concept organisational virtuousness from the perspective of customers for the first time.

Design/Methodology/Approach: This is a thematic review of the most recent articles on organisational virtues that were obtained from the Internet.

Findings: The current conceptual and operational definition of organisational virtuousness is not only deficient of certain dominant virtues, but as well incognizant of the input of customers, who substantially reap from virtue theory at least as alluded to by extant literature.

Research Limitations/Implications: This paper is theoretical and not empirical. It simply cannot claim to have exhausted all the virtues that there is since virtue theory is still undergoing scholarly metamorphism. Equally, the concepts and their operations have been borrowed from an array of disciplines given the eclectic nature of virtues and as such, they need to be contextualised so as to make them handy for any attendant study.

Originality/Value: The paper proudly presents a documentation of virtues that are organisational in nature, some of which have not been considered before in the construction of the concept organisational virtuousness. It puts in perspective the fact that virtue theory is equally understood and cherished by customers whose rating does not any longer merit shelving in the wake to the contemporary bells of evolution of virtue theory. Therefore, this paper serves as a renewal of scholarly work on virtue theory.


Organisational Virtuousness, Optimism, Trust, Compassion, Forgiveness, Wisdom, Courage, Justice, Temperance, Transcendence, Commitment, Responsiveness and Innovativeness.
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Abstract Views: 335

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  • Organizational Virtuousness:The Customer's Perspective

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Joshua Gukiina
Makerere University Business School, Jinja Campus, Department of Marketing and Management, Uganda
Waswa Balunywa
Makerere University Business School, Uganda
Joseph Mpeera Ntay
Makerere University Business School, Uganda
Augustine Ahiauzu
River State University of Science & Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Purpose: The purpose of the present paper is to review and document prominent organisational virtues scattered in attendant literature so as to facilitate the construction of the concept organisational virtuousness from the perspective of customers for the first time.

Design/Methodology/Approach: This is a thematic review of the most recent articles on organisational virtues that were obtained from the Internet.

Findings: The current conceptual and operational definition of organisational virtuousness is not only deficient of certain dominant virtues, but as well incognizant of the input of customers, who substantially reap from virtue theory at least as alluded to by extant literature.

Research Limitations/Implications: This paper is theoretical and not empirical. It simply cannot claim to have exhausted all the virtues that there is since virtue theory is still undergoing scholarly metamorphism. Equally, the concepts and their operations have been borrowed from an array of disciplines given the eclectic nature of virtues and as such, they need to be contextualised so as to make them handy for any attendant study.

Originality/Value: The paper proudly presents a documentation of virtues that are organisational in nature, some of which have not been considered before in the construction of the concept organisational virtuousness. It puts in perspective the fact that virtue theory is equally understood and cherished by customers whose rating does not any longer merit shelving in the wake to the contemporary bells of evolution of virtue theory. Therefore, this paper serves as a renewal of scholarly work on virtue theory.


Organisational Virtuousness, Optimism, Trust, Compassion, Forgiveness, Wisdom, Courage, Justice, Temperance, Transcendence, Commitment, Responsiveness and Innovativeness.
