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Impact of Interaction Between Big Five Personality Traits and Age on Post-purchase Satisfaction among Female Consumers – A Multivariate Analysis

1 Assistant Professor, JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

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This study assessed how the five-factor model (FFM) and the age of females can assume an important role in influencing post-purchase satisfaction of female consumers by incorporating the Big Five Inventory scale. Personality was defined in terms of the Big Five personality traits, agreeableness, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness and neuroticism. A sample of 500 female consumers was drawn from the special reference Central Delhi. The study shows that personality significantly influences purchasing behaviour and agreeableness was the strongest of the five predictor variables while neuroticism was the weakest. The study also reveals that four Big Five personality traits and age have a significant effect on the influence of personality on the purchasing behaviour of female consumers. The literature regarding the personality and post-purchase behaviour of consumers is reviewed and the research revealed the relationship between personality traits, age and post-purchase satisfaction. The study adopted convenience sampling and concluded by suggesting the relationship between personality traits, age and post-purchase satisfaction of female consumers.


Post-Purchase, Satisfaction, Personality, Consumer Behavior, Consumer
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  • Impact of Interaction Between Big Five Personality Traits and Age on Post-purchase Satisfaction among Female Consumers – A Multivariate Analysis

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Princi Gupta
Assistant Professor, JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


This study assessed how the five-factor model (FFM) and the age of females can assume an important role in influencing post-purchase satisfaction of female consumers by incorporating the Big Five Inventory scale. Personality was defined in terms of the Big Five personality traits, agreeableness, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness and neuroticism. A sample of 500 female consumers was drawn from the special reference Central Delhi. The study shows that personality significantly influences purchasing behaviour and agreeableness was the strongest of the five predictor variables while neuroticism was the weakest. The study also reveals that four Big Five personality traits and age have a significant effect on the influence of personality on the purchasing behaviour of female consumers. The literature regarding the personality and post-purchase behaviour of consumers is reviewed and the research revealed the relationship between personality traits, age and post-purchase satisfaction. The study adopted convenience sampling and concluded by suggesting the relationship between personality traits, age and post-purchase satisfaction of female consumers.


Post-Purchase, Satisfaction, Personality, Consumer Behavior, Consumer
