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Moderating Effects of Generation Y’s Online-to-Offline E-Commerce (O2O E-Commerce) Shopping Experience

1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (Main Campus), 39 Moo 1, Klong 6, Khlong Luang Pathum, Thani 12110, Thailand

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This research aimed to study the moderating effects of Generation Y’s online-to-offline e-commerce (O2O e-commerce) shopping experience. The data were collected utilizing an online questionnaire. The sample included 349 customers aged between 18 – 38 years. Descriptive statistics were used to present the percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were applied by structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the moderating effects of the O2O e-commerce shopping experience as a categorical variable. Also, to compare the chi-square differences, multi-group analysis was applied. The research results revealed that online and offline data integration variables positively influenced perceived usefulness and easy-to-use. Perceived usefulness and perceived easy-to-use positively influenced customers’ attitudes towards the use of O2O e-commerce. Moreover, Generation Y’s O2O e-commerce shopping experience influenced the relationship between online and offline data integration and perceived usefulness. Furthermore, perceived easy-to-use influenced the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived easy-to-use, and attitudes towards the use of O2O e-commerce. The results of this research can be used as a guideline for various educational institutions in helping local communities generate sustainable income, which is a very important foundation for country development. The educational institutions can act as intermediaries in purchasing products produced by local communities and distributing them through the O2O e-commerce platform created to reach the right customers, such as Generation Y.


Moderating effects, generation Y, e-commerce, online-to-offline, O2O e-commerce, shopping experience, business administration, business economics, marketing and advertising

Paper Submission Date : June 30, 2021; Paper sent back for Revision : March 16, 2022 ; Paper Acceptance Date : April 25, 2022 ; Paper Published Online : August 16, 2022

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  • Moderating Effects of Generation Y’s Online-to-Offline E-Commerce (O2O E-Commerce) Shopping Experience

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Salitta Saribut
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (Main Campus), 39 Moo 1, Klong 6, Khlong Luang Pathum, Thani 12110, Thailand


This research aimed to study the moderating effects of Generation Y’s online-to-offline e-commerce (O2O e-commerce) shopping experience. The data were collected utilizing an online questionnaire. The sample included 349 customers aged between 18 – 38 years. Descriptive statistics were used to present the percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were applied by structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the moderating effects of the O2O e-commerce shopping experience as a categorical variable. Also, to compare the chi-square differences, multi-group analysis was applied. The research results revealed that online and offline data integration variables positively influenced perceived usefulness and easy-to-use. Perceived usefulness and perceived easy-to-use positively influenced customers’ attitudes towards the use of O2O e-commerce. Moreover, Generation Y’s O2O e-commerce shopping experience influenced the relationship between online and offline data integration and perceived usefulness. Furthermore, perceived easy-to-use influenced the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived easy-to-use, and attitudes towards the use of O2O e-commerce. The results of this research can be used as a guideline for various educational institutions in helping local communities generate sustainable income, which is a very important foundation for country development. The educational institutions can act as intermediaries in purchasing products produced by local communities and distributing them through the O2O e-commerce platform created to reach the right customers, such as Generation Y.


Moderating effects, generation Y, e-commerce, online-to-offline, O2O e-commerce, shopping experience, business administration, business economics, marketing and advertising

Paper Submission Date : June 30, 2021; Paper sent back for Revision : March 16, 2022 ; Paper Acceptance Date : April 25, 2022 ; Paper Published Online : August 16, 2022
