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Journal of Engineering Education Transformations Vol 30, No 2 (2016) Towards Student Centerd Teaching:A New Paradigm Abstract
Pragati Sawant
Asian Journal of Management Vol 5, No 2 (2014) Towards Student Retention: Role of Educational Administrator, Faculty and Student Abstract
S. Suresh Kumar, Bishwajeet Bhattacharjee
Indian Forester Vol 129, No 5 (2003) Towards Sustainable Management of Forests in India Abstract
P. C. Kotwal, Dharmendra Chandurkar
Indian Science Cruiser Vol 25, No 5 (2011) Towards The ‘Change’ Leading to A Critical Dialogue Abstract
D. K. Sinha
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations Vol 26, No 4-1 (2012) Towards the Design of an Engineering Education Curricula Abstract
R. P. Mohanty
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations Vol 21, No 4-1 (2007) Towards Total Quality-Some Small Steps Taken by Nehru College of Engineering and Research Centre, Pampady, Kerala Abstract
P. N. Ramachandran
IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review Vol 4, No 1 (2016) Towards Understanding Self Motives in a Collectivist Culture Abstract
Abhijit Mishra, Girishwar Misra
Current Science Vol 106, No 6 (2014) Towards Water Security through Sustainable Management of Water Resources Abstract   PDF
Kavita Shah, Ipsita Nandi, Nidhi Singh
Artha Vijnana: Journal of The Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Vol 29, No 3 (1987) Town and Country in Economy in Transition Abstract
K. R. Ranadive
Indian Forester Vol 66, No 4 (1940) Town Forests that Pay Abstract
Journal of the Association of Engineers, India Vol 21, No 1-2 (1945) Town Planning:With Some Reference to Calcutta Abstract
S. Bandopadhyaya
The Indian Practitioner Vol 8, No 6 (1955) Toxaemia of Pregnancy Abstract
H. Sterndale
Current Science Vol 115, No 3 (2018) Toxic Aqueous Discharge of Iron and Sulphur from Spoiled Coal Mined Lands and Its Control by Phytostabilization Process Abstract   PDF
A. K. Singh
Indian Science Cruiser Vol 12, No 4 (1998) Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes — The Global Scenario Abstract
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 7, No 2 (1970) Toxic Chemicals in Nigerian Foodstuffs Abstract
O. L. Oke
Research Journal of Science and Technology Vol 9, No 3 (2017) Toxic Effect of Nerium indicum Latex Powder on Biochemical Profile of Fishes Abstract
Kamlesh Kumar, Ajay Singh
Asian Journal of Bio Science Vol 8, No 1 (2013) Toxic Effect of Amikacin Sulphate on Liver and Kidney on White (albino) Rat Abstract
P. L. Kadam, S. B. Kengar, R. N. Patil, M. P. Chavan, S. S. Nanware, S. S. Patil
Research Journal of Science and Technology Vol 9, No 3 (2017) Toxic Effect of Biologically Active Compound Rutin Extracted from Euphorbious Plant Codiaeum variegatum Against Mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) Larvae Abstract
Abhay Deep Johnson, Ajay Singh
Toxicology International (Formerly Indian Journal of Toxicology) Vol 29, No 4 (2022) Toxic Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Liver, Gill and Muscle Tissues of Zebrafish Danio rerio Abstract
A. D. Shelke
Indian Forester Vol 108, No 6 (1982) Toxic Effect of the Culture Filtrate of Cercospora wrighitia Thirum. And Chupp, the Causal Agent of Leaf Spot Disease of Wrighitia tinctoria Br Abstract
Srikant Kulkarni, A. L. Siddaramaiah, A. B. Basavarajaiah
Toxicology International (Formerly Indian Journal of Toxicology) Vol 30, No 1 (2023) Toxic Effects Associated With Neonicotinoid Exposure on Non-target Organisms: A Review Abstract
Leena Khurana, Payal Chaturvedi, Charu Sharma, Pradeep Bhatnagar, Nidhi Gupta
Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics Vol 3, No 1 (2011) Toxic Effects of Acrolyc Denture Teeth Resin, Lucitone 119 on Animal Model: Rats Wistar Abstract
Bouaricha Houda, Grifi Fatiha, Berrebbah Houria, Tadjine Aicha, Rouabhi Rachid, Djebar Mohammed-Réda
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Vol 10, No 11 (2019) Toxic Effects of Amalgam on Body Abstract
Sushma Swaraj
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol 7, No 2 (2013) Toxic effects of Carbaryl on the Vasculature of Liver in Adult Albino Rat, Rattus norvegicus Abstract
Munglang Manumati, Nagar Mahindra
Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction Vol 7, No 1&2 (2003) Toxic Effects of Diclofenac Sodium on Cauda Epididymal Structures Abstract
M. Selvaraj, G. Vanithakumari
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