News and Views
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News and Views Titles:
*UN Bid to Help World's 40 Million Mentally Retarded.
*Water Pollution in Countries of ECAFE Area to be Examined.
*Waldheim Tells University Audience that UN is a Surer Way to Peace.
*UNICEF Gives Nearly $ 3 Million for Services for Indian Children.
*UNICEF Board Approves Plan for Child Feeding.
*WHO Chief Urges Research in Health.
*UNICEF-Aided Programme in India.
*ECAFE - Convened Second Asian Population Conference to Meet in Tokyo.
*WFP Governing Body Meets in Rome.
*Britian and UN. Conference on Human Environment.
*Preventing Environmental Pollution.
*X-Ray Picture of the Brain in Four Minutes.
*Rocket's "Eye in Space" can Measure Earth's Resources.
*New British Foundation for Brain Research.
*Radio-active Technique Helps Towards Crime Detection.
*Ninth International Congress of Biochemistry.
*Microencapsnlation in the Food Industry.
*Excerpta Medica Travel Fellowship Award.
*London Symposium Results in Unique Combination of Medical Education Media.
*Two New Member States Bring UNESCO's Membership Total to 127.
*FAO Helping to Develop Protein Rich Foods.
*Tapioca Sago (Saboodane).
*Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Foods.
*Roasted Chicory Powder.
*Methods of Test for Meat and Meat Products.
*Sorghum - Base Diet for Early Weaned Pigs Under Study.
*Advanced Training in Dietetics at Tech.
*The Problems of Persistent Chemicals- Implications of Pesticides and other Chemicals in the Environment.
*£ 10.5 Million for Indian Fertilizer Project.
*Learning Family Planning in Medical Schools.