Influence of Emulsifiers and Heat Moisture Treatment of Millets on Quality of Gluten-Free Chhana Cake
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The present investigation was conducted to develop a technology for the manufacture of a gluten-free chhana cake. Refined wheat flour was substituted with blend of three flours viz., barnyard millet, amaranth and little millet (consisting of 31.86% barnyard millet, 32.69% amaranth and 35.45% little millet) were subjected to heat moisture treatment. In order to select the most suitable heat moisture treatment the millet blend was subjected to three heat moisture treatments. Based on the results the selected heat moisture treatment was: Adjusting the moisture content of millet flour blend to 25% and keeping it at 4°C for 24 h in an air tight plastic container followed by heating the moisture adjusted flour at 100°C for 3 h in a hot air oven and finally drying it at 40°C till a final moisture content of about 9% was obtained. In the second part of the study, the rate of addition of baking powder and glycerol monostearate was optimized using Response Surface Method (RSM) i.e., Design Expert The optimized solution was 1.40% baking powder and 1.66% glycerol monostearate. The desirability of this model was 0.93.
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