Studies on Preparation of Cookies Fortified by Horse Gram Malt
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The horse gram is a cheapest source of protein, calcium and iron. Further the germination of horse gram seeds can reduce the anti-nutritional factors. The germination was carried out by washing, soaking (12 h), germinating (24 h), oven drying and grinding into flour in hammer mill. The effect of germination on chemical characteristics of horse gram was found to significantly decrease (p<0.05) in protein, carbohydrate, fat and significantly increase (p < 0.05) in moisture and ash content. Further value added product (cookies) was prepared by incorporation of 5, 10, 15 and 20% germinated horse gram flour (GHF). The sensory evaluation of cookies was carried out by a panel of ten trained judges using 9-point Hedonic scale. The sensory quality of cookies significantly decreased (p<0.05) for higher level of GHF and significantly increased (p < 0.05) for low level of GHF. The cookies prepared by incorporation of GHF up to 10% were acceptable without affecting organoleptic quality.
Cookies, Germination, Physical Characteristics, Sensory Quality.
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