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Implementing a Flipped Classroom Structure in Engineering Education to Improve the Soft Skills

1 Laboratory LISA, National School of Applied Sciences, Fez, Morocco

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The fourth industrial revolution or industry 4.0 which is a consequence of the rapid change of information is characterized by ultra-connected and flexible processes in order to develop rapidly a personalized product to be utilized in a limited time. This revolution requires new competencies named the soft skills. So, the challenge for educators is to train students with the soft skills needed in the industry 4.0.

This is why; the flipped classroom method with a new structure based on PowerPoint presentation was implemented for the maintenance and operating reliability's course during the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. The flipped course was delivered for the industrial engineering class in their fourth year of engineering studies in the National School of Applied Sciences NSAS, Fez Morocco.

The flipped classroom method is being implemented in a growing number of higher education institutions, but a new structure is proposed which aims to improve the engineering students' soft skills especially the lifelong learning, critical thinking, curiosity, autonomy and communication and presentation techniques in order to success in this digital age and to meet the industry 4.0 requirements.

The results of an anonymous survey and a t test are very satisfactory and show that this method has a very positive feedback from the students. A t test is a statistic test that permits to compare between the means of two groups.

For me, I can approve that this method is a rewarding teaching experience with minimum technical, technological and logistical resources, but it requires more effort from the teacher who becomes rather a coach and a facilitator and also from the students.


Industry 4.0, Soft Skills, Flipped Classroom Approach, T Test, Powerpoint Presentation.
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Abstract Views: 336

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  • Implementing a Flipped Classroom Structure in Engineering Education to Improve the Soft Skills

Abstract Views: 336  |  PDF Views: 182


Elhaini Jamila
Laboratory LISA, National School of Applied Sciences, Fez, Morocco


The fourth industrial revolution or industry 4.0 which is a consequence of the rapid change of information is characterized by ultra-connected and flexible processes in order to develop rapidly a personalized product to be utilized in a limited time. This revolution requires new competencies named the soft skills. So, the challenge for educators is to train students with the soft skills needed in the industry 4.0.

This is why; the flipped classroom method with a new structure based on PowerPoint presentation was implemented for the maintenance and operating reliability's course during the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. The flipped course was delivered for the industrial engineering class in their fourth year of engineering studies in the National School of Applied Sciences NSAS, Fez Morocco.

The flipped classroom method is being implemented in a growing number of higher education institutions, but a new structure is proposed which aims to improve the engineering students' soft skills especially the lifelong learning, critical thinking, curiosity, autonomy and communication and presentation techniques in order to success in this digital age and to meet the industry 4.0 requirements.

The results of an anonymous survey and a t test are very satisfactory and show that this method has a very positive feedback from the students. A t test is a statistic test that permits to compare between the means of two groups.

For me, I can approve that this method is a rewarding teaching experience with minimum technical, technological and logistical resources, but it requires more effort from the teacher who becomes rather a coach and a facilitator and also from the students.


Industry 4.0, Soft Skills, Flipped Classroom Approach, T Test, Powerpoint Presentation.
