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Impact of Innovative Culture on Organizational Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Social Media

1 School of Commerce, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Sciences (NMIMS), Dhule Campus, Maharashtra, India
2 Dept., of Humanities & Humanities Social, Sciences Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

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The aim of the present study is to examine the relationship amongst the three variables i.e., innovative culture (IC), social media (SM) and organizational effectiveness (OE). The study also aims to explore the mediating role of social media on the proposed relationship. Based on the proposed framework, data were collected from 732 faculty of Indian technical education institutions through self-reported questionnaires. The data were tested utilizing Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique. The findings revealed positive relationship between IC and OE. Social media indicated a two-dimensional model, namely utilitarian, and hedonic purpose. Further, results indicated that social media for hedonic purpose mediated the relationship between innovative culture and organizational effectiveness. This paper offers significant insights to Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) that may help the institutions to understand the importance of social media that may affect organizational effectiveness. Till date, social media as a mediator has received less attention in the context of technical educational institutions in India. The establishment of social media as a mediator between IC and OE in HEIs is unique. The findings contribute to the existing body of literature on IC, social media, and OE in the non- Western context as the data were collected from the domain of private engineering colleges in India.


Innovative Culture, Social Media (Utilitarian, Hedonic), Organizational Effectiveness.
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  • Impact of Innovative Culture on Organizational Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Social Media

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Sambaji Rao
School of Commerce, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Sciences (NMIMS), Dhule Campus, Maharashtra, India
Vijai Nath Giri
Dept., of Humanities & Humanities Social, Sciences Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India


The aim of the present study is to examine the relationship amongst the three variables i.e., innovative culture (IC), social media (SM) and organizational effectiveness (OE). The study also aims to explore the mediating role of social media on the proposed relationship. Based on the proposed framework, data were collected from 732 faculty of Indian technical education institutions through self-reported questionnaires. The data were tested utilizing Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique. The findings revealed positive relationship between IC and OE. Social media indicated a two-dimensional model, namely utilitarian, and hedonic purpose. Further, results indicated that social media for hedonic purpose mediated the relationship between innovative culture and organizational effectiveness. This paper offers significant insights to Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) that may help the institutions to understand the importance of social media that may affect organizational effectiveness. Till date, social media as a mediator has received less attention in the context of technical educational institutions in India. The establishment of social media as a mediator between IC and OE in HEIs is unique. The findings contribute to the existing body of literature on IC, social media, and OE in the non- Western context as the data were collected from the domain of private engineering colleges in India.


Innovative Culture, Social Media (Utilitarian, Hedonic), Organizational Effectiveness.
